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Miles Morales, Spider-man

I'd created this painting, because I wanted to see if I can simulate the background that was done in the Spider-man animated movie by Sony Entertainment. I have to created a bunch of half-tones, masked them with a solid color. Then used a lot of bright color gradients, blending layers to achieve that background effects. Yeah, lots of masking and blending layers

I've also created a depth map to be used on my Facebook 3D post, if you want to see it --

Spider-Man, Miles Morales

Spider-Man, Miles Morales

01-Initial rough sketch

01-Initial rough sketch

02-Refine sketch

02-Refine sketch

03-Inked the webbing on a separate layer

03-Inked the webbing on a separate layer

04-Inked the character on a separate layer

04-Inked the character on a separate layer

05-Both ined layers visible

05-Both ined layers visible

06-Flat color base layer

06-Flat color base layer

07-Painting shadow and highlights

07-Painting shadow and highlights

08-Created a depth layer to be use Facebook 3D Photo image.

08-Created a depth layer to be use Facebook 3D Photo image.